To take a spill - упасть (take a fall)
A woman just took a spill on the icy sidewalk in front of that store
To show off - выпендриваться (to display one's ability in too proud a manner)
My baby brother always shows off whenever company visits our house.
To cut someone off - подрезать (cross someone's path)
I almost fell down when that careless snowboarder cut me off.
To smack into someone/something - врезаться в кого-то/во что-то (crash into someone/something)
He smacked into a tree when he lost control of his truck on the corner.
Heads up! - Осторожно! (be alert)
Hearts up! There's a car coming this way.
To take a stab at something - попробовать себя в чем-то (try something)
She's going to take a stab at rock climbing this week.
To be up to doing something - быть готовым что-то сделать (able to do something; ready to do something)
I don't think I'll ever be up to running a marathon.
To get in over one's head - попробовать что-то слишком сложное (attempt something too difficult)
I got in over my head when I took that fourth year chemistry course.
To psych someone out - снижать уверенность кого-то в своих силах (make someone lose confidence)
The tennis player tried to psych out his opponent before the match began.
To be under the weather - болеть (ill, sick)
My roommate has been under the weather for the past few days.
Crack a book - открыть книгу, чтобы заниматься (open a book)
I didn't crack a boom last night because I'd already prepared for the test.
As a matter of fact - в сущности (actually)
I'm really tired right now. As a matter of fact I'm going home to bed.
Shoot the breeze - болтать (chat, gab, talk)
I spend the last hour shooting the breeze with my friend at the coffee shop.
Mixed emotions - смешанные чувства (both positive and negative feelings)
She has mixed emotions about getting back together with her ex-boyfriend.
In the same boat - в той же ситуации (in the same situation)
We're in the same boat because neither of us has a date for Saturday night.
Stick around - оставаться (stay)
I'm going to stick around at school after class today.
Hell to pay - суровое наказание за проступок (great punishment as a result of one's actions)
There was hell to pay when I forgot to pick up my mother at the shopping mall.