1. Цвет одежды – My best friend WEARS BLUE every single day. I almost never WEAR ORANGE.
2. Косметика – My wife likes to WEAR PINK LIPSTICK.
3. Парфюм – I only WEAR COLOGNE when I go to fancy parties, but my girlfriend WEARS PERFUME every day.
4. Дезодоранты – You smell terrible! Did you forget to WEAR DEODORANT today?
5. Средства для защиты от солнца – Make sure you WEAR SUNSCREEN when you go to the beach – you don’t want to get a sunburn!
6. Украшения/драгоценности – My sister always WEARS EARRINGS, but she never WEARS NECKLACES.
7. Очки/контактные линзы – If I don’t WEAR my GLASSES, I can’t see anything!
8. Шлемы, ремни и прочие защитные приспособления – I fell off my bicycle yesterday, I’m glad I WAS WEARING my HELMET!
9. Парики, брекеты, вставные челюсти и др. медицинские приспособления (casts, dentures) – Don’t tell anyone, but my grandfather WEARS DENTURES! He hasn’t had his real teeth in a long time!
10. Наушники – Sorry! I couldn’t hear you, I WAS WEARING my HEADPHONES and listening to some awesome music!