10Q—–thank you
143—–I love you
1432—–I Love You Too
182—–I hate you
4Q—–F*** You
9—–Parent is watching
99——Parent is no longer watchin
A3—–Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime
AEAP—–As Early As Possible
ASAP—–As Soon As Possible
AFJ—–April Fools Joke
Aight—–All right
AITR—–Adult In The Room
ALAP—–As Late As Possible
ALOL—–Actually Laughing Out Loud
ALTG—–Act Locally, Think Globally
B&F—–Back and Forth
B4N—–Bye For Now
B4U—–Before You
BI5—–Back In Five
BJ—–Blow Job
BON—–Believe it Or Not
BRB—–Be Right Back
BRT—–Be Right There
BS—–Big Smile -or- Bull Sh** -or- Brain Strain
CD9—–Code 9 – it means parents are around
CT—–Can’t Talk
CTA—–Call To Action
CTO—–Check This Out
CUL8R——See You Later
CY—–Calm Yourself
CYE—–Check your Email
CYL—–See You Later
CYM—–Check Your Mail
CYO—–See You Online
CYT——See You Tomorrow
D&M—–Deep & Meaningful
FTF—–Face to face
G2B—–Going to bed
G2G —–Got to go
GBH—–Great big hug
GBY—–God bless you
GL—–Good luck
H&K—–Hug and kiss
HAND—–Have a nice day
HOAS—–Hold on a second
J/K—–Just kidding
KPC—–Keeping Parents Clueless
KMA—–Kiss my ass
LOL—–Laughing out loud
M/F – Male or Female
MOOS—–Member Of The Opposite Sex
MOSS—–Member(s) Of The Same Sex
MOS—–Mom Over Shoulder
NIFOC—–Nude In Front Of The Computer
OIC—–Oh, I see
P911—– Parent Alert
P@H or PAH—–Parents at home
PAL—–Parents Are Listening
PAW—–Parents are watching
RU/18—–Are You Over 18?
SYS—–See you soon
W8AM—–Wait a minute
WAY or WAU—–What about you
WBS—–Write back soon
WB—–Welcome back
WP—–Wrong person
WTF—–What The F***
WU—–What’s up?
YL—–Young lady
4COL—–For crying out loud
*G*—–Giggle or grin
*K* —–Kiss
*S*—– Smile