a big fish – an important or powerful person in a group or organization
Mrs Coughlin is one of the directors. She is a big fish.
a big fish in a small pond - one of the most important people in a small group or organization,
who would have much less power and importance if they were part of a larger group or
As the manager of a local company, he enjoys being a big fish in a small pond.
a cold fish - a person who does not seem very friendly and does not show their emotions
He isn't very demonstrative, but his mother was a cold fish so he probably gets it from her.
a different kettle of fish - completely different to what you were previously talking about
Joanne is very loud and nervous, but her sister, Jenny, is a different kettle of fish!
a fine kettle of fish (mainly American) - a difficult situation
That's a fine kettle of fish - the car won't start and I have to leave in five minutes.
a fish out of water - someone who is uncomfortable in a particular situation
After living in Hong Kong for most of his life, Lee was a fish out of water in Los Angeles.
a fish story / a fish tale - a great big lie
That's just a fish story. Don't try to fool me. You’re a master at the fish tale.
an odd/ a queer fish (British old-fashioned) - someone who is slightly strange or crazy
I knew his father and he was a queer fish too.
(as) crooked as a fish hook – very dishonest
Don't play cards with him. He's as crooked as a fish hook. Mary says all politicians are
crooked as a fish hook.
fishy - seeming bad or dishonest (suspicious); hard to believe that it is true
He said he just came back from Jamaica, but it sounded rather fishy to me. There's something
very fishy about him.
like shooting fish in a barrel - ridiculously easy
Jane's a good mechanic. Changing a tire is like shooting fish in a barrel for her. That comedian
has an easy job. Making fun of politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.
neither fish nor fowl - neither one thing nor another
The car that they drove up in was neither fish nor fowl. It must have been made out of spare
there are plenty more fish in the sea - there are many other people or possibilities, especially
when one person or thing has been unsuitable or unsuccessful
When John broke up with Ann, I told her not to worry. There are plenty of other fish in the
sea. It's too bad that your secretary quit, but there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
to drink like a fish - to drink a lot of alcohol regularly
I worry about Nancy – she drinks like a fish.
to fish for a compliment - to try to get someone to pay oneself a compliment
When she showed me her new dress, I could tell that she was fishing for a compliment.
to have bigger / other fish to fry - to have other things to do, especially more important
I can't take time for your problem. I have other fish to fry. I won't waste time on your
question. I have bigger fish to fry.
a big fish - большая шишка; важная персона; "крупная рыба"
a big fish in a small pond - важная персона местного масштаба
a cold fish - бесчувственный, холодный человек; "сухарь"
a different kettle of fish - совсем другая история
a fine kettle of fish - неразбериха; сам чёрт ногу сломит; ну и дела!
a fish out of water - не в своей тарелке
a fish story / a fish tale - небылицы; выдумка; вранье
an odd/ a queer fish - странный тип; чудила
(as) crooked as a fish hook - лживый; нечестный
fishy - подозрительный, сомнительный
like shooting fish in a barrel - проще простого; проще пареной репы
neither fish nor fowl - ни то ни сё; ни рыба ни мясо
there are plenty more fish in the sea - свет клином не сошёлся (на ней, на нем, на этом)
to drink like a fish - пить как сапожник
to fish for a compliment - напрашиваться на комплемент
to have bigger / other fish to fry - иметь дела поважнее