aren’t [Rnt] = are not
can’t [kRnt] = cannot
couldn’t [kudnt] = could not
didn’t [dIdnt] = did not
doesn’t [dAznt] = does not
don’t [dount] = do not
hadn’t [hxdnt] = had not
haven’t [hxvnt] = have not
hasn’t [hxznt] = has not
he’d [hJd] = he had/ should / would
he’ll [hJl] = he will
he’s [hJz] = he is / has
here's [hIqz] = here is / has
I’d [aId] = I had / should / would
I’ll [aIl] = I shall / will
I’m [aIm] = I am
I’ve [aIv] = I have
isn’t [Iznt] = is not
it’ll [Itl] = it will
it’s [Its] = it is / has
let’s [lets] = let us
mayn’t [meInt] = may not
mightn’t [maItnt] = might not
mustn’t [mAsnt] = must not
shan’t [SRnt] = shall not
she’d [SJd] = she had / should / would
she’ll [SJl] = she will
she’s [SJz] = she is / has
shouldn’t [Sudnt] = should not
that’ll [Dxtl] = that will
that’s [Dxts] = that is
there’s [Dqz] = there is / has
they’d [DeId] = they had / should / would
they’ll [DeIl] = they will
they’re [Deq] = they are
they’ve [DeIv] = they have
wasn’t [wOznt] = was not
we’d [wJd] = we had / should / would
we’ll [wJl] = we shall / will
we’re [wIq] = we are
weren’t [wWnt] = were not
we’ve [wJv] = we have
what’s [wOts] = what is
won’t [wount] = will not
wouldn’t [wudnt] = would not
you’d [jHd] = you had / should / would
you’ll [jHl] = you will
you’re [juq] = you are
you’ve [jHv] = you have