1. Present Simple
2. Present Simple with Mr. Shorty
3. Present Continuous
4. Past Simple
5. "Going to" & "Will"
6. Word Order
Другие предыдующие подборки:
▶ Первая часть: (набрала 4800 лайков)
→ Learn English Tenses
1. Present Simple vs Present Continuous
2. Present Continuous / Present Perfect Continuous
3. Present Perfect Continuous vs Present Perfect
4. Present Perfect vs Past Simple
5. Action Verbs vs State Verbs
6. Future Simple vs 'Going to' Future
7. 'Going to' Future vs Present Continuous
8. Past Continuous vs Past Perfect vs Past Perfect Continuous
9. Future Continuous vs Future Perfect vs Future Perfect Continuous
▶ Вторая часть: (набрала 5400 лайков)
→ Lessons:
1. Questions
2. Question Tags
3. Negatives (part 1)
4. Negatives (part 2)
5. Listening Skills
6. English Listening Practice
7. Introductions & Greetings
8. Offers, Gratitude, Apologies and Requests
9. Welcoming Visitors
10. Pronunciation of 'ed'
▶ Третья часть: (2800 лайков)
→ Lessons:
1. Word Order / Sentence Structure - English Grammar Lesson (Part 1)
2. Word Order / Position of Adverbs - English Lesson (Part 2)
3. Conditionals - English Grammar Lesson
4. Common English Expressions with 'make' & 'do'
5. 'To Have' - English Vocabulary Lesson
6. How to use 'To Get' - English Vocabulary Lesson
7. Vowels & Diphthongs - English Listening & Pronunciation Practice (Part 1)
8. Vowels & Diphthongs - English Pronunciation & Listening Practice (Part 2)
Learn the English Present Simple with Mr Shorty
Present continuous
English Grammar Lesson: Past Simple
"Going to" & "Will" Grammar Lesson
English Grammar Lesson: Word Order