Here we go again - Повторим ещё раз
talk big - выпендриваться, хвастаться
Go on, talk big! I'll soon have you purring like a kitten.
run for one's life - бежать, сломя голову
Simon continued to run for his life.
throw good money after bad - бросать деньги на ветер
You don't spend more money- in effect throw good money after bad.
cast a glance - бросить взгляд
Are there really that many women with that low of self-esteem that they would even cast a glance at a man like this?
put on a show - делать вид
The children are now at an age when they are fully aware of what is going on, so for their sakes Kate and Peter have decided to put on a show of union.
take turns - делать поочередно
The fact that you take turns attacking, of course, offers endless strategies.
make a nuisance of oneself - докучать
It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself.
play the fool - валять дурака
It's a guy walking around the streets playing the fool.
have smb on the string - вести на поводу
Olivia breaks off their relationship despite Rollo's attempts to keep her on the string.
out of sight - с глаз долой
Now get that dog out of my sight.
take for granted - воспринять как данность
What we take for granted might not be here for our children.
turn inside out - вывернуть наизнанку
make a show of - выставлять напоказ
break loose - вырваться на свободу
fall /be out of favor - впасть в немилость / быть в немилости
be quits - быть в расчёте
As long as the check doesn't bounce, you and I are quits.
be at the end of one's tether - дойти до предела
set the pace - задавать темп
When you set the pace, you control the race.
keep pace with smb - поспевать
They scurried along as fast as they can, trying to keep pace with the moving vehicle below.
single-handed - единолично
drive someone into a corner - загнать в угол
His efforts to provide himself with an alibi failed and he got driven into a corner.
hurt smb's pride - задеть самолюбие
A man was talking about a girl that had hurt his pride. He was in despair.
cover one's tracks - заметать следы
Harry was a great cop here in Miami. He taught me how to think like one; he taught me how to cover my tracks. I'm a very neat monster.
be up to smth - замышлять недоброе
You are up to no good!