People in the news.
Классные мультфильмы с подробной информацией о знаменитых людях - наших современниках: королеве Елизавете II, Джоан Роулинг, Бараке Обаме, Джонни Деппе, Анджелине Джоли, Марке Цукерберге, Билле Гейтсе, Стивене Спилберге, Лионеле Месси, Марии Шараповой. От Little Fox.
People in the News: J. K. Rowling | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Barack Obama | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Johnny Depp | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Angelina Jolie | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Mark Zuckerberg | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Steven Spielberg | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Bill Gates | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Maria Sharapova | Level 8 | By Little Fox
People in the News: Lionel Messi | Level 8 | By Little Fox