1. Augur - авгур (прорицатель в Др. Риме).
One who predicts events based on omens; the name stems from officials in ancient Rome who carried out this type of task. (The verb form is used in the expression “augurs well,” as in “This outcome augurs well for us.”) Not to be confused with auger, the word for a device or tool for boring holes.
2. Cassandra - Кассандра, прорицатель бедствий.
One who correctly predicts unfortunate events in vain, from the character in Greek mythology so cursed.
3. Сrystal gazer - гадалка-прорицатель.
One who uses a crystal or glass globe or other objects in order to channel knowledge; a modern sense is of predicting without sufficient information.
4. Doomsayer - (часто) предсказатель конца света.
One who routinely predicts disaster. (See Cassandra for a special sense.)
5. Fortune-teller - гадалка, предсказательница будущего.
One who foretells events, generally to a client regarding that person’s personal life.
6. Futurist - футурист.
One who offers opinions or insights about the future based on study of past and current events; this term is most appropriate for a serious discussion of modern predictions about societal issues based on trends.
7. Jeremiah - имя библейского пророка; в разговорной речи так часто называют пессимистов.
A pessimistic biblical prophet, and, by extension, anyone who predicts calamity; his name also gave rise to the term jeremiad, meaning “a complaint or rant.”
8. Oracle: оракул; человек, чье мнение значимо.
A person who serves as the mouthpiece of a deity. (Oracular pronouncements in ancient Greece were obscure and ambiguous, and more than one figure in Greek mythology learned that lesson painfully.) The term now refers, by extension, to anyone respected for the sagacity of their opinions or predictions.
9. Palm reader/palmist - хиромант.
A fortune-teller whose predictions are based on reading the lines of a person’s palm.
10. Prophesier - предсказатель (использует завуалированные фразы, которые следует каким-то образом толковать).
One who prophesies (pronounced with a long i), or makes a prediction, often in the sense of a veiled message, handed down through the generations, that foretells an occurrence.
11. Prognosticator - прогнозист.
One who predicts based on observations of phenomena.
12. Prophet - пророк.
One who reveals through divine inspiration. In the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism), the term refers to one who has received messages directly from God; in this sense, the singular and plural forms are often capitalized.
13. Seer - провидец.
One who predicts events, especially a crystal gazer. By extension, this term refers to insightful modern experts.
14. Sibyl: Сивилла (античная предсказательница).
One of a number of female prophets of the ancient world.
15. Soothsayer - гадалка, ворожея.
One who predicts the future by reason, intuition, or magic.